SouthEast water Purification plant

  • Treatment Module 1 (TM1) Flocculation Equipment demolition including paddles,

paddle arms, shafts, bearings, drive gears, drive chains, gear reducers and drive
motors. Installation of new flocculation equipment including new paddles, paddle
arms, shafts, bearings, drive gears, drive chains, gear reducers, and drive motors.​

  • Remove solids from the Process Overflow Basin by dewatering and hauling

sludge off to on-site storage facility. Hauled sludge needs to be spread out in
layers and sloped to drain.

  • Rehabilitation of TM1 Transfer Pumps and Motors, TP-3160, TP-3161, TP-3162,

and TM1 Backwash Pumps, BWP-3164, BWP-3165. Rehabilitation of TM1
Transfer Pumps and Backwash Pumps control valves, actuators control panels and
accumulator system. Add chlorine gas and ammonia gas detectors at the locations indicated on the drawings.

  • Provide new Parts Storage Building, Pavement, and Site Modifications, as shown

on the drawings and described in the specifications.

  • Construct a new Thickened Sludge Pump Station No. 2 (TSPS No.2) complete

with three thickened sludge pumps and piping, with associated sit, structural,
electrical, instrumentation and control improvements.

  • Install two new Raw Sludge Bypass Pumps and Piping
  • Provide miscellaneous improvements
  •  Documentation of in-progress construction
  • Support photographic documentation before and after demolition 

KMA services provided:  

 Construction Photographic Documentation & Project Management Services